Editing Modernism in Canada


As part of our mandate to facilitate the international dissemination of our collaborative research and editorial work in both print and digital media, EMiC has organized a number of conferences and workshops.

October 2010 witnessed an extremely successful Conference on Editorial Problems at the University of Toronto, led by co-convenors Dean Irvine and Colin Hill, as well as Kailin Wright and Brandon McFarlane.

In October 2011, EMiC participants sat alongside a wide range of editors at TransCanada Institute at the University of Guelph, where Professor Smaro Kamboureli, Dean Irvine, and Hannah McGregor hosted and co-organized a special workshop, Editing as Cultural Practice.

In June 2012, Professor Marta Dvorak is hosting a second EMiC conference at the Sorbonne Nouvelle, and in 2014, EMiC will hold a two-day workshop at Brock University.

Please click on the navigation to the left for more information about our EMiC conferences and workshops.